The Silent Secession
No declarations. No announcements. No lines in the sand.
Battle cries bring needless wars.
Clear, quiet policies. No one turned away. Peaceful protocols. Safe spaces. Each local institution establishing its own protective boundaries.
We walk, we don’t talk. We lead the way, he thinks.
California doesn't need to declare independence. It just needs to continue being California. Protecting its people. Educating its children. Enforcing its environmental standards. Following its own path. Building bridges, not walls - bridges even to those who would build walls.
The resistance flows like water - finding paths of least resistance, moving quietly but persistently around obstacles. No need to break things. Just maintain and protect what works. Fix what doesn’t. Keep all channels open. Keep dialogue possible.
Let them celebrate their victory. The real work happens in the silent spaces between their headlines - in the steady act of maintaining connections across vast divides.