Societal trauma, like Germany's devastating defeat and humiliation after WWI through the Treaty of Versailles, or the betrayal of 2008 when many lost many valuable things in the Great Recession, creates fertile ground for narcissistic leaders who mirror our collective pain and rage response. In 1920s Germany, this manifested in leaders who channeled the nation's deep sense of victimhood and economic desperation into destructive ideologies. Similarly today, such leaders promise to heal our wounds but, trapped in their own unresolved trauma, often deepen divisions instead. It's a vicious cycle - trauma creates openings for narcissistic leadership which inflicts more trauma. The alternative? Leaders like MLK who've transcended their trauma to offer genuine healing through unity rather than endless cycles of grievance and revenge - a path Germany ultimately embraced in its post-WWII reconciliation and integration with Europe.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​